Thursday, September 29, 2011

Infeksi Telinga Dalam

Labirintitis adalah suatu proses radang yang melibatkan mekanisme telinga dalam, yang terjadi karena penyebaran infeksi ke ruang perilimfa. Otitis media kronik, terutama dengan koleastoma, dapat menimbulkan destruksi labirin vestibulum. Suatu fistula labirin memungkinkan penyebaran infeksi ke telinga dalam, menimbulkan labirintitis yang akan menyebabkan ketulian.

Retinopati Hipertensi

Retinopati hipertensi adalah kelainan-kelainan retina dan pembuluh darah retina akibat tekanan darah tinggi. Kelainan pembuluh darah dapat berupa penyempitan umum atau setempat, percabangan pembuluh darah yang tajam, fenomena crossing atau sklerosa pembuluh darah.
Penyempitan (spasme) pembuluh darah tampak sebagai:
1.      Pembuluh darah (terutama arteriol retina) yang berwarna lebih pucat
2.      Kaliber pembuluh darah yang menjadi lebih kecil/irregular karena spasme local
3.      Percabangan arteriol yang tajam
Bila kelainan berupa sklerosisi dapat tampak sebagai:
1.      Refleks copper wire
2.      Refleks silver wire
3.      Sheating
4.      Lumen pembuluh darah yang irregular
5.      Terdapat fenomena crossing

Friday, September 23, 2011


Glaukoma adalah suatu neuropati optik kronik didapat yang ditandai oleh pencekungan (cupping) diskus optikus dan pengecilan lapangan pandang ; biasanya disertai peningkatan tekanan intraokuler.
Mekanisme peningkatan tekanan intraokuler pada glaukoma adalah gangguan aliran keluar aqueous humor pada glaukoma akibat kelainan sistem drainase sudut bilik mata depan (glaukoma sudut terbuka) atau gangguan akses aqueous humor ke sistem drainase (glaukoma sudut tertutup).

conjunctivitis Bacterial

Konjungtivitis bakteri adalah suatu peradangan pada konjungtiva yang disebabkan oleh bakteri. Terdapat 2 bentuk konjungtivitis bakteri, yaitu konjungtivitis bakteri akut (termasuk hiperakut dan subakut) dan konjungtivitis bakteri kronik.


Skleritis didefinisikan sebagai gangguan granulomatosa kronik yang ditandai oleh destruksi kolagen, sebukan sel dan kelainan vaskular yang mengisyaratkan adanya vaskulitis.

Anatomy of the eye


Organ penglihatan, mata (organon visus) dapat dibagi menjadi dua:
1.      Organon Oculi Assesoria
2.      Okulus

Organon Oculi Assesoria, terdiri atas :
1.      Otot-otot mata eksterna, meliputi :
·         m.rektus lateralis untuk abduksi (RL)
·         m.rektus medialis untuk adduksi (RM) 
·         m.rektus superior untuk elevasi (RS)
·         m.rektus inferior untuk depresi (RIF)
·         m.obliquus superior untuk depresi (OS)
·         m.obliquus inferior untuk elevasi (OIF)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Otitis Media Akut (OMA)

Otitis media akut ialah peradangan telinga tengah yang mengenai sebagian atau seluruh periosteum dan terjadi dalam waktu kurang dari 3 minggu.

Sumbatan pada tuba eustachius merupakan penyebab utama dari otitis media. Pertahanan tubuh pada silia mukosa tuba eustachius terganggu, sehingga pencegahan invasi kuman ke dalam telinga tengah terganggu juga. Selain itu, ISPA juga merupakan salah satu faktor penyebab yang paling sering.
Kuman penyebab OMA adalah bakteri piogenik, seperti Streptococcus hemoliticus, Haemophilus Influenzae (27%), Staphylococcus aureus (2%), Streptococcus Pneumoniae (38%), Pneumococcus.
Pada anak-anak, makin sering terserang ISPA, makin besar kemungkinan terjadinya otitis media akut (OMA). Pada bayi, OMA dipermudah karena tuba eustachiusnya pendek, lebar, dan letaknya agak horisontal.


Epigloititis adalah selulitis jaringan yang terdiri dari jalan masuk laring yang meliputi epiglotis, lipatan ariepiglotis, dan kartilago aritenoid.

H. Influenza tipe B

-          demam tinggi yang mendadak dan beraty
-          nyeri tenggorokan
-          dispnea
-          obstruksi pernapasan yang progresivitasnya cepat
-          pada penderita yang lebih muda dapat tiba-tib terbangun dari tidurnya pada malam hari dengan demam tinggi, afonia, lidah terjulur, kegawatan pernapasan sedang sampai berat dengan stridor
-          pada anak yang lebih besar awalnya mengeluhkan nyeri tenggorokan dan disfagia dan dapat berlanjut dengan kegawatan napas berat dengan stridor inspiratoir, suara parau, batuk kasar dan keras, iritabillitas dan gelisah. Ludah mengalir keluar, leher hiperekstensi
Epiglotitis akut dapat memburuk menjadi obstruksi total jalan nafas dan berakhir menjadi kematian dalam waktu hanya beberapa jam.

Faringitis akut (virus)

    Faringitis akut adalah suatu sindrom inflamasi dari faring dan/atau tonsil yang disebabkan oleh beberapa grup mikroorganisme yang berbeda. Faringitis dapat menjadi bagian dari infeksi saluran napas atas atau infeksi lokal didaerah faring.

    Faringitis dapat terjadi pada semua umur dan tidak dipengaruhi jenis kelamin, dengan frekuensi yang lebih tinggi terjadi pada populasi anak-anak. Faringitis akut jarang ditemukan pada usia di bawah 1 tahun. Insidensinya meningkat dan mencapai puncaknya pada usia 4-7 tahun, tetapi tetap berlanjut sepanjang akhir masa anak-anak dan kehidupan dewasa4. Kematian yang diakibatkan faringitis jarang, tetapi dapat terjadi sebagai hasil dari komplikasi penyakit ini.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

The New Generation Of Smokers

No longer are smokers stopping into gas stations, grocery stores, and tobacco shops to buy cigarettes. Instead, they're stopping into an electronic cigarette store to buy their smokes. Electronic cigarettes have suddenly replaced tobacco cigarettes, and there are many people who have a variety of different reasons why. Some smoke electronic cigarettes because it's a healthier substitute to smoking tobacco cigarettes while others find that they save more money by purchasing electronic cigarettes instead of regular cigarettes.

Remove The Risk Of Heart Disease By Giving Up Smoking

All smokers know that their habits are extremely bad for their health, in fact the activity is one that will lead millions of men and women to an early grave. One of the biggest dangers related to being a smoker is the risk of developing coronary heart disease, this disease is the single biggest killer in the country.
The heart is a fist-sized muscle that pumps blood around the body, in a healthy individual it beats at around seventy times per minute. The blood travels from the right side of the heart to the lungs where it receives oxygen, it then returns to the left side from where it is pumped to various organs through arteries. It returns to the heart through veins and is then once more carried to the lungs, this is the process referred to as circulation.
The heart also needs its own supply of blood, this comes from vessels referred to as coronary arteries. Coronary heart disease is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to the heart is interrupted or blocked. Over time the arteries can harden or become clogged with deposits, smoking is known to be a leading cause of damage to these arteries.

Neuron Synaps

Titik temu antara terminal akson salah satu neuron dengan neuron lain dinamakan sinapsis. Setiap terminal akson membengkak membentuk tonjolan sinapsis. Di dalam sitoplasma tonjolan sinapsis terdapat struktur kumpulan membran kecil berisi neurotransmitter; yang disebut vesikula sinapsis.
Neuron yang berakhir pada tonjolan sinapsis disebut neuron pre-sinapsis. Membran ujung dendrit dari neuron berikutnya yang membentuk sinapsis disebut neuron post-sinapsis.

Bila impuls sampai pada ujung neuron pre-sinapsis, maka vesikula sinapsis bergerak dan melebur dengan membran neuron pre-sinapsis. Kemudian vesikula sinapsis akan melepaskan neurotransmitter.

Anatomy and Physiology Of Nervous System

Sistem saraf terdiri dari Sel saraf (neuron) dan sel penyokong (neuroglia & sel Schwann)
Ada 3 tipe sel fungsional pada sistem saraf:
   1.      Sel Reseptor :  menerima stimulus
   2.      Sel Konduktor :  mentransmit stimulus
   3.      Sel Efektor :  (Motor Neuron) memberikan respon, misal, kontraksi otot

Ada 3 fungsi sistem saraf pada manusia secara keseluruhan:
1.      Orientasi/Persepsi :  kemampuan untuk menghasilkan stimulus akibat perubahan lingkungan eksternal atau internal
2.      Koordinasi/Integrasi :  kemampuan untuk menerima, mengolah & mengarahkan impuls yg terbentuk untuk menghasilkan respons
3.      Pemikiran Konseptual :  kemampuan untuk merekam, menyimpan & menghubungkan informasi yg diterima dan membentuk rencana untuk masa depan

Myasthenia Gravis

Miastenia gravis adalah suatu kelainan autoimun yang ditandai oleh suatu kelemahan abnormal dan progresif pada otot rangka yang dipergunakan secara terus-menerus dan disertai dengan kelelahan saat beraktivitas. Bila penderita beristirahat, maka tidak lama kemudian kekuatan otot akan pulih kembali.

Miastenia gravis merupakan penyakit yang jarang ditemui, dan dapat terjadi pada berbagai usia. Biasanya penyakit ini lebih sering tampak pada usia 20-50 tahun. Wanita lebih sering menderita penyakit ini dibandingkan pria. Rasio perbandingan wanita dan pria yang menderita miastenia gravis adalah 6 : 4.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Different ways to stop smoking

Ways to stop smoking
Many of the 46 million American smokers are looking to quit smoking but some just are not strong enough to withstand the barrage of withdrawal symptoms that come with quitting smoking, especially those who have been smoking for a very long time. The health benefits of quitting are there for all to see. There is less of a risk of developing various forms of cancer and your lungs will not be as clogged up with tar as they otherwise would be if you continue smoking. Your personal hygiene will also improve because your hair, clothes and body will not smell so much of smoke anymore. In this article we will discuss two popular ways to stop smoking. For a more comprehensive review on the various ways to stop smoking you can read this article on how you can stop smoking.

What is Early Lung Cancer Symptoms

When the disease is first discovered, the majority of persons with lung cancer show some symptoms. Due to the primary tumor or its spread, so that there are wide variety of the symptoms. Range in magnitude from slight to severe, a lung cancer can result in pain. It will be helpful if someone understand the specific pain that is linked with lung cancer.
1.      1. Chest Pain; The pain on chest is persistent and involved other structures surrounding the lungs.However, one-fourth of all lung cancer patients complain about this pain that is aching and dull in nature.

Vitamin For Smoker who want to Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking is hope of much smoker but, they aren't know how to quit smoking, no problem because today I will tell you about Smoker Vitamin To Quit Smoking and surely its perfectly working and make you stop be smoker. Not many smokers are search and want to know about tips to quit smoking, okay, just refer about Smoker Vitamin To Quit Smoking below
Numerous studies and surveys indicate that the majority of adults frequently eat foods that contain too little vitamin B-6 and vitamin E. Consuming too many calories and too much total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, and sodium. Women frequently eat too little folic acid, iron, calcium, and zinc. This is why it is very important to take multivitamins for women.

Solutions to stop smoking

Solutions to stop smoking
Many people around the world are looking to stop smoking. These people have obviously realized some of the negative effects of smoking or they have probably witnessed the death of someone close due to tobacco. 1 in every 5 deaths in the United States is caused by tobacco and consequently many people probably know of someone who has died due to a smoking related illness such a cancer.
If you have tried quitting before you probably know that it is not easy to stop smoking, but you should take heart in the fact that there are many solutions to stop smoking online. Unfortunately some of these solutions to stop smoking have some pretty serious side-effects so when choosing which method you will try to use to stop smoking you should choose the one that best suits your needs. In this article we will be talking about one solution to stop smoking in depth.

Innovative methods to stop smoking

Majority of quit smoking tips are fabulous to read but not so practical when it comes to quitting. Following a tip that tells you in different ways that you need to be sincere and determined about quitting will hardly do you any good. To quit successfully and for long term, you need some tips that may help you stop smoking without either trivialising or idealising this dangerous addiction. Let's have a look at some tips that are practical and effective.

Understand the law of addiction
Cigarettes can be your best friend in times of difficulties, stress, or anxieties. But do you feel like smoking when you are extremely happy and free from any worries? Chances are very high that you don't. Law of addiction can explain this phenomenon very well. Any form of addiction has a negative intensifier attached to it. Put simply, you don't get addicted to bread and butter, but you do get addicted to alcohol. Wonder why? This is because bread and butter is taken for satisfying physical hunger. Once taken, your hunger goes away and you don't feel like eating until hungry again. But an addictive substance like alcohol can intensify your cravings for more, putting you on a negative loop of desire-consummation-desire. Nicotine can do the same thing to you, making it difficult for you to come out of smoking addiction.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Discover 10 Healthy Ways How To Increase Metabolism Naturally

There are inexpensive and easy ways to increase metabolism naturally. The natural methods do not involve medical treatments and operation. Increasing the metabolism can promote high levels of energy to sustain a healthy and active lifestyle. In general, achieving high metabolic rate, one has to willingly undergo some changes in his or her lifestyle.
Eating healthy and balanced diet is essential to achieve weight loss. Obesity is a threat to health of men and women. Ignoring the gravity of the health risks associated with obesity has serious consequences. One of the proven ways to approach obesity is to increase metabolism naturally. High metabolic rate provides leverage to the body to do physical activities. In turn, physical activities can burn fats and calories.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

What Are the Antioxidant Vitamins

Vitamins A, C and E are known as antioxidants. What exactly will be the role of antioxidant vitamins? First of all, they have a significant influence in preventing or slowing down the release of free radicals at the cellular level. These are by products of cellular reactions and oxidation, and they are responsible for older age. The more free radicals get released within the body, the older you turn out to be. Let's take the antioxidant vitamins in turn and find out how they work and where you can take them from in easily assimilable forms.

Selection of Skin Care Products

Our skin is sensitive to climate, pollution and environment. We need to be extra careful about it and therefore appropriate skin care is vital in order to have a clear and attractive skin. As we age, it becomes difficult to maintain the vitality and youth of our skin. Anti aging skin care tips are what we need for our skin.
In dry climate the humidity in our skin decreases and it leaves our skin dry and we feel uncomfortable. Thus, it is important that we keep our skin well hydrated. This becomes important for those who live in a dry climate as compared to those who live in a humid climate. You need to hydrate your body and then hydrated skin follows automatically.
Drinking plenty of water provides natural moisturizing and washes away all the toxins from our body and this is one of the easiest anti aging tips. Exfoliation helps you to get rid of the dead, old and dry skin cells.

Top 10 Anti-Aging Skin Care Ingredients

Top 10 anti aging skin care ingredients
1.      Vitamin C:
Vitamin C is the most important ingredient in skin care and has considerable amount of benefits which include:
1.      Triggering of an anti oxidant activity which leads to the reduction of skin damage caused by the free radicals.
2.      Vitamin C withstands exposure to sunlight and supports sunscreen. It increases collagen synthesis which helps to diminish wrinkles.
2.      Vitamin E:
It is a highly effective anti oxidant. It protects your skin from age spots, scarring and retains the natural moisture of the skin.

The difficulty in sleeping - Best tips and advices

There are many ways to achieve restorative sleep, and in this article I will present some tips to help you sleep well:
1.       While a tired person should sleep even on rocks or on a dirty floor, we recommend you to have a comfortable enough bed to stretch and move easily on it.

2.       A well-ventilated room, it helps to make breathing exercises. A temperature of between 15 to 25 degrees Celsius will feel pleasant.

3.       Your bedding must be comfortable. Loose clothes are much better than squeeze pijamas.

4.       To have a good night's sleep is important to do sports. A quick walk for your neighborhood a couple of hours before falling asleep can help to tire your body. It is recommended that you take a shower or a hot bath just before bedtime.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Bee Pollen Allergy Therapy for the Allergy Sufferer

It's very likely that you or another person you know is susceptible to allergies from the minutest things! Allergies affect us all the time throughout life and some people actually outgrow their allergies. For others, allergies can be severe requiring constant trips to the hospital for shots. If you are the type of person who prefers a more natural solution to allergy problems rather than taking the numerous drugs available today than there just might be a solution for you. Bee pollen allergy healing is an all-natural remedy to address allergies while improving overall health.

Tips to Cure Allergies Naturally

Allergies have an impact on many people. However, out of these, only a small number of individuals are able to find full relief of pain from the use of prescription drugs. In addition, people treating allergies with the assistance of medicinal drugs additionally have got to experience a few side-effects. In such a case, natural cures for allergies might be of great help for treating allergic reactions. Having said that, before taking any natural cures for allergies, it's always better to learn about the things, which you are actually allergic to. The simplest way to do this would be to consult your medical doctor. For example, learn whether you're allergic to specific foods or environmental materials similar to pollen or suffer from any other allergy.

Common Allergies You Need to Know

Allergies are the body's overreaction to things, which do not typically cause problems to people. You can be sure that you are suffering from allergies if you have watery eyes, runny and stuffy nose, itching, exhaustion, ear fullness, skin rashes and others. To prevent yourself from enduring common allergies, you have to know where your body is sensitive to:
1. Food Allergies - Rank one among the common allergies. Proteins found in eggs, wheat, fish, cow's milk and soy are the most common causes of these diseases, which are normally inherited, are typical to young people. Some people grow out of food allergies, except for those who suffer from peanuts. Unfortunately, they have to survive from them for a long time.

Allergies, allergy symptoms - everything you need to know

Allergy - a state of heightened sensitivity of the animal organism in relation to a particular substance or substances (allergens) that develops with repeated exposures. Physiological mechanism of allergy involves the formation of antibodies that leads to a decrease or increase its sensitivity. Allergy manifested silnysm irritation of mucous membranes, skin sypyami, general malaise, and so on.
By allergic reactions in clinical practice as an expression, at the origin of which is an immunological conflict. In the diagnosis of allergic reactions is important to identify the allergen, its causal relationship with the clinical manifestations and the type of immunological reaction. There is a common pathogenic principle of separation of 4 types of allergic reactions.

Do You Have Allergies?

Right around springtime, when the flowers start to bloom and the bees start to buzz, people with allergies start to sneeze, their eyes start to itch and water. If you are one of these people you know exactly what I'm talking about. Allergies cause a reaction within the body creating symptoms of coughing, burning, itchy eyes, headache, hives, runny nose, skin rashes, cramps, vomiting, and diarrhea. Everyone experiences a different intensity and combination of symptoms. Allergies are very common among humans.

Famous People with Autism

Did you realize that autism affects approximately 6 out of every 1000 people? Those numbers are actually staggering when you think about how much they have increased in the past several years. Even though autism can leave a person unable to deal with life at all, some people have a form of autism that allows them to live a life that is fairly normal. In fact, there are plenty of famous people with autism that you may not have ever realized had the disease.

One of the most famous people with autism, by today's standards, is Daryl Hannah. She is an actress in America that has played some very high profile roles in movies throughout her life. Some of these movies have included Blade Runner, Kill Bill and Splash. She was diagnosed as a child as having autism, or more specifically being borderline autistic and has been able to develop to the point where she can function in society quite regularly.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Skin Lightening Secrets for Hyperpigmentation

Some don't even know it. There are skin lightening products to help get rid of your hyperpigmentation, melasma, freckles, uneven skin tone, dark skin discolorations, acne scars, dark underarms, elbows, knees or inner thighs. But a safety issue is raised over the availability of harmful skin lighteners or whiteners in the market.
Knowing what to choose and how to use will help you achieve the fair skin tone from products that actually deliver. Success in skin lightening of dark skin pigmentations does not rely on products alone. In addition to the skin whiteners, a good regimen should also include sunscreen, Vitamin C and moisturizers.

Approaching Acne With Natural Acne Treatment

Most of you who suffer from acne could be due to what is going on in our bodies. You might be suffering from a food allergy that you are unaware of. In addition, our bodies are intoxicated with plenty of harmful chemicals that go into the food we eat and the air we breathe. We need to remove them using detox remedies.
One of the commonly used home remedies for acne scars includes applying turmeric paste on the skin. Turmeric is also known for its medicinal value.
Water, the universal solvent and solution to all health issues. Water is considered one of the best medicines. For any health issue, water seems to be the best to cure them to some 40%.It is proven by researchers that right from a simple headache to great neural problems could have at least 40% of problems resolved in water.

Nutritional Remedies For Acne

Acne is a common disorder of the oil glands in the skin characterized by the recurring formation of blackheads, whiteheads and pimples. These oil glands, known as sebaceous glands, are found in large numbers on the face, back, chest and shoulders - the sites acne prefer.

The sebaceous glands (located in each hair follicle) produce oil (sebum) that lubricates the skin; if some of the oil gets trapped or pores get clogged, bacteria multiply in the hair follicle and the skin becomes inflamed. 

Typically, acne appears during puberty, when hormones influencing the secretion of the oil glands are at their peak level of activity. It is more common in males because androgens (male sex hormones) like testosterone stimulate the production of oil, which leads to clogged pores. During puberty, androgens increase in both sexes, making girls in this age range susceptible as well. 

6 Home Remedies To Remove Acne and Scars

Different home remedies for acne can give different outcomes depending on the nature of the skin. These home remedies are applicable only for mild scars. Home remedies for acne scars can be applied during the early stages.
In addition to eating fresh fruits to supply your skin with collagen building vitamin C, you can also smear them onto your face for gentle acid exfoliation. Just puree a forth a cup of pineapple and smooth it onto your face. Leave it for 10-15 minutes, then rinse. Since the pineapples contains ascorbic acid, it will impart a brightening effect on the face, and help fade acne marks.
Use cucumber: as you may already know, putting cucumber slices over your eyes can reduce the swelling, and surprisingly cucumber can also be used to reduce scars. Just make a paste with cucumber, apply it onto the scar and leave it overnight, in order to smooth out the scarring.

6 Home Remedies to Fast Remove Acne

While Acne is not life-threatening, it can have a very adverse psychological impact on it's young sufferer. At the very time of your life, when you're extra-conscious about your looks and want to fit in, being marked out by acne can be extremely difficult to live with.
First things, first, wash your face with lukewarm water to remove any dirt, creams or sun screen, and pat dry. Mash the cucumber and tomato together to make a mask and apply to your face, leaving it own for 20 to 30 minutes. Repeat this procedure a couple of times a week. Be patient. You won't see any overnight changes, because home remedies do take some time. However, you should start to see changes in your complexion within 3 to 6 months, if you're persistent.