All smokers know that their habits are extremely bad for their health, in fact the activity is one that will lead millions of men and women to an early grave. One of the biggest dangers related to being a smoker is the risk of developing coronary heart disease, this disease is the single biggest killer in the country.
The heart is a fist-sized muscle that pumps blood around the body, in a healthy individual it beats at around seventy times per minute. The blood travels from the right side of the heart to the lungs where it receives oxygen, it then returns to the left side from where it is pumped to various organs through arteries. It returns to the heart through veins and is then once more carried to the lungs, this is the process referred to as circulation.
The heart also needs its own supply of blood, this comes from vessels referred to as coronary arteries. Coronary heart disease is a condition that occurs when the blood supply to the heart is interrupted or blocked. Over time the arteries can harden or become clogged with deposits, smoking is known to be a leading cause of damage to these arteries.
The first sign of a problem is pain in the area of the heart, this is what doctors call angina. If a coronary artery ends up fully blocked, the result can be a myocardial infarction, otherwise known as a heart attack. Waiting for a heart attack to strike before seeking medical help, when suffering with angina, can be a huge and costly gamble. Though there can be many reasons for this life endangering condition arising, it is known that smoking is one of the main culprits. By instigating lifestyle changes it is possible to lessen the risk of developing this serious health problem. A healthy heart will also result in other benefits such as minimizing the chance of stroke and developing dementia.
When thinking of giving up tobacco products, it is natural to be anxious about the nasty withdrawal symptoms. When we compare the pain of nicotine withdrawal with the potential negative health consequences of continuing with this destructive habit, stopping should become a lot easier. Though smokers often focus on the unwanted side effects of quitting smoking, such as irritation and weight gain, the long term health benefits on offer compensate massively for any short term distress that is caused.
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